Friday, August 31, 2012

Which Seiyuu You Would Like as Lovers??

Another interesting poll on BIGLOBE asking anime fans: “Which seiyuu you would most like as your lover? (恋人にしたい声優 女性編)”...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Top 20 Flat-chested Anime Girls

Anime fans are almost as keen on flat-chested anime maidens as they are on their top-heavy counterparts – giving rise to their latest effort to rate their favourite anime girls with the least amount of bust. Gathered from 4,257 of users vote, here are The rankin...

25 Best Anime Character of Summer 2012

Anime fans answeed on a recent poll on BIGLOBE site about their favorite anime character onsumme 2012. Came out from 12,340 of users votes, here are the rankin...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Japanese Most Favorite Anime Heroes

The Japanese fans on BIGLOBE site were asked their favorites anime heroes. The poll closed lasst night in Japan with a total of 2,221 votes. Leading the poll is Tiger & Bunny's Barnaby Brooks Jr....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Top 25 Huge Breasted Anime Girls

As ever a viewpoint to judge an anime character is by the size and familiarity of her breasts and Anime fans yet again provide a ranking of the biggest and most popular one from recent anime...

Your life is over if you're busted watching these 20 Anime [poll]

Anime fans on BIGLOBE site have been ranked an anime which sure to result in a sudden loss of normal friends and immediately get pariah status amongst them. From 2,451 of users participated... guess what comes first....??...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Top 15 Anime Which Sold atrociously

Anime fans on BIGLOBE Anime site have identified those anime which sold atrociously (in this case less than 2,000 or so copies per volume) despite actually being quite good, although some people would agree if these pitiful sales were undeserved is another matter...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

25 Worst Anime of Spring 2012

Spring season has come to an end, and anime fans having had a chance to thoroughly digest the most wretched anime titles of the spring 2012 season. The users on BIGLOBE Anime site have delivered them in the form of a ranking....

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Anime That Will Likely Make You Into An Otaku

Anime Fans on BIGLOBE Anime site have ranked the anime that will likely turn a person into an otaku. From almost 6000 users perticipated, Gainax classic anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion has come to lead the way out...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Weekly Blu-ray & CD rankings for July 30th - August 5th

Here are the weekly Blu-ray & CD rankings for July 30th - August 5th....

Top 15 Most Anticipated Anime of Autumn 2012

Anime fans on BIGLOBE anime site made a ranking of the most anticipated autumn 2012 anime season. with 3,139 of users participated, here are top 15 of the list:...

Top 25 Anime Babes with the Sexiest Swimwear

With the so many service episodes anime features sexy bikinis this year round, anime fans on BIGLOBE anime site made a poll to deciding just which of these many bathing beauties is the sexiest this year around...


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